Today was a pretty awesome day. My mother in law's childhood friend, Carol, makes beautiful quilts. I have always admired her beautiful work! For a while, we've been talking about putting together a quilting day so Carol could teach us how. I was a little intimidated because to be honest, sometimes I have trouble sewing a straight line! So, Mary (my MIL) volunteered to keep Gabers during the day so my mom, my BFF Tami, & I could have a quilting lesson. It was so much fun. And, it honestly was easier than I thought. It was still challenging, and I was definitely out of my comfort zone, but it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to try making another one! Well, we'll see... I'd love to get some more practice so it was a little more automatic for me.

First, we made three 9 patch squares. I have never made something so precise before! I felt so proud of myself! :) They turned out great.

Next, we cut those squares in half twice, making 4 smaller squares. Then, we turned two of the squares that were diagonal from each other so that the smaller squares in the middle met at the points. I was REALLY scared about cutting my 9 patch!! (Listen to me... I already sound like a quilter!! hehehe)

While we were quilting, Gabe and Abba & PawPaw were playing! It was so cute to go in and peek at them... Gabe was having a blast.

And, there are a lot of steps between this picture and the last step, but I can't remember them all off the top of my head to blog them! But, this is the top to my table runner. I am so thrilled with how it turned out. I didn't think I'd like it this much! I thought for sure I'd make a lot more noticable mistakes, but in just looking at it, the seams match up pretty nicely! We're going to get together for another session to attach the back and the binding, and of course, to quilt it!

By the end of the afternoon, Gabe was tuckered out! He had such a great time with Abba and PawPaw! I am so thankful that I got to do this today. It was truly so much fun and I can't wait to get together to finish them up. I think I'm going to enjoy quilting!!
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