And I'm out of breath. Ok, get your mind out of the gutters.
I went for a run/brisk walk this morning... I may not have gone very far, but the point is, I did it. I started with exercise this morning. I also came home and did 25 situp/curl thingies. (Obviously, I'm not an exerciser at all... I don't even know the terms). My sister is getting married in August of 2009, so I need to start somewhere. I know this sounds bad to say, but I just don't want to be the obviously fattest bridesmaid. You all know the girl I'm talking about (again, I know... this sounds so petty and shallow).

A Thinner Me
For the longest time, I've just assumed that fatness is what I'll become (I know, I have a terrible self image!!). But I don't want to be. I want to be one of those people that jogs (or yogs... maybe that's how you pronounce it... what movie am I referring to??) And, I can be. If it's something I really want. And, it is a nice little alone time too. I have to say, starting out the day with a sense of pride in doing something I didn't think I'd do, feels pretty dang good.
good luck, ron burgundy. you can do it!
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