- I Wish: More adoptive parents would consider open adoptions.
- I Love: When my son sees me walk into a room and says, "HI Mommy!"
- I Long: For the day when I have more self-confidence about who I am as a person and not just what people see on the outside.
- I Hurt: For people who don't think they need relationships. I've been around a few people like this in my life and it's so sad that they shut everyone out. They are missing out on so many wonderful things.
- I Imagine: What our house will look like when the work we want to do is complete. I'll probably be imagining that for a long time!
- I Wonder: How anyone can knit! So many people have tried to teach me and I swear... I'm hopeless.
- I Pray: That Gabe will dedicate his life to Christ someday. That he will know the joy of becoming a Christian and that he will experience the love that only Christ can give.
- I Sing: So many Christmas songs in the car, but right now my favorite ones are Rose of Bethlehem and Silent Night by Selah. Oh, and Oh Holy Night by Selah. Ok... so pretty much the entire Selah Christmas CD. If you've never heard of them, check them out - they are my favorite group of all time.
- I Hope: I can become a mom again some day. I would love for Gabe to have a sibling.
- I Hate: Feeling selfconscious.
- I Talk: About my son a lot. I hope I don't annoy people.
- I Hear: Quiet right now. Nothing but the sound of the keyboard and my party mix crunching while I enjoy some baby nap time.
- I Smell: Garlic. This smell will always remind me of my husband.
- I Miss: That feeling of innocence from when I was a child. When I didn't know about all of the junk going on in the world. A time when I thought most people were good and genuine.
- I Misbehave: In having an occasional cigarette. My husband is kinda restrictive on this one, so I do savor it when he's cool about it.
- I Envy: Other photographers. I know I'm learning... I just wish I could speed up the process a bit!
- I Fear: Giving my heart 100% to people. I am always skeptical for a while because I'm afraid of being hurt. I'm working on that.
- I Need: To lose some weight. I will feel so much better about myself, physically & mentally.
So, that's how I'm feeling this Christmas! I saw this idea on another blog I frequent and it inspired me to write too! You should try it!
Bri, I love this poem idea. I love hearing about what's going on in your mind and in your heart. I so appreciate your transparency! You are a genuine soul, and I appreciate you.
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