Friday, May 16, 2008

Where I've been

So, I've really been debating on blogging about this. But, I'm going to. I think I'll feel better.

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a lump in my breast while showering. Wasn't even doing an exam, I was just washing. I didn't really think much of it because I've had lumps before, but they've been nothing - just temporary lumps that the doctor said would go away. This one felt a little different. So, I decided to get it checked out.

On Tuesday at 1:30, I had an ultrasound. The ultrasound tech told me that my doctor wouldn't have results until Thursday or Friday. When I got home from work Tuesday night, there was a message at 3:30 from my doctor's office. Wednesday morning I called and the nurse advised they wanted me to have a biopsy. They scheduled my appointment for today at 12:30.

When I called the surgeon's office to verify some admin stuff, they advised me that this was just a consultation. So, no biopsy today, just an exam from him and his suggestion on how to move forward. I think no matter what he says today, I'm going to request the biopsy. I don't really want to wonder about this foreign thing growing in my body.

So, how am I dealing with all of this? Honestly, I'm worried. I am a mother now. I don't want to borrow trouble, but I can't lie... I have had those fearful thoughts about this being cancer. I have thought, "oh my gosh, what would I do?" But, I'm really trying to remember, especially at my age, cancer is pretty uncommon. Something like 80% of biopsies come back cancer-free. I've got peeps praying right now... that's really all we can do.

So, today, I'll meet with the surgeon and find out what he wants to do. No matter what, I'm having that biopsy. (um, well, if he'll do it for me)