Thursday, May 22, 2008


I think most of you already know this, but my lovely lady lumps are fine. The tumor (I have a flippin' tumor!) is just some dead tissue caused by "significant trauma to the breast". Um... How in the heck did I have significant trauma to one of my boobies and not know it? Well, probably because they're huge and I run into stuff all the time with them! Oh, and sometimes my son uses them as punching bags.

Anywho, thank you to all of you who prayed for my "woobies". I was so fortunate that nothing was wrong.

Greg comes home tonight after being gone on a short business trip. We've missed him, but this is probably the best behaved Gabers has been when Greg's been gone. So, that has definitely made things easier.

I would like to request prayers from you prayer warriors out there - Ok, eh hem, I kind of have a short list:
  • A friend "N" lost one of her parents in a tragic motorcycle accident. This same accident left the other parent critically injured. Please pray that "N" will be able to handle this very long road ahead. I would specifically ask that you pray that she will feel God with her now.

  • Steven Curtis Chapman, a Christian singer I grew up listening to, tragically lost his youngest daughter, Maria, when one of his sons accidently hit her with the car. I cannot begin to imagine the pain that family is feeling now. That poor boy who hit her. I just cannot let my mind go there.

  • Todd & Angie Smith - they have been mentioned in previous posts. Things are starting to settle for them - their daily lives and routines have begun again. I pray they feel God's presence in those moments when they miss Audrey the most.

  • Our nation and the future leader we choose this November.

  • My family - I pray for their health and safety. That I can turn my worries over to God - when they travel, when we're apart, and when I just feel worry creeping in. That I can trust that God cares for them MORE than I do. Unimaginable. I just can't comprehend that.

Thank you in advance for your prayers. Please know, if you ever need prayer that I'd be honored to lift you up to our Father.

I don't know about you all, but it just seems like lately, there are so many tragedies. There are so many things happening all around us - people suffering, children dying, etc... Am I just noticing all of this now that I'm getting older? It's almost like you have to shut it off. I don't know if that makes sense or not... Let me rephrase... It's almost like you have to keep your mind from going to all of these places and hurting. For example, I talked to "N" last night. Her story was so sad, I about couldn't take it. I was literally holding the tears in. I really don't know how people with no faith can do it. I mean to think this is it? Personally, knowing that Heaven is waiting, brings me so much comfort in a world that is so fallen and full of pain. Pain is everywhere. I'm certainly not trying to be a "Debbie Downer". It's just this has really been on my mind lately. It's depressing to watch the news. It's heart-wrenching to read the blog of a mom dying of cancer.

I'm so thankful there's a way out of this. That God sent Jesus to take all that pain and all the sin and put it on His shoulders. Because, let me tell you, if I had to carry it, I wouldn't even be able to get up off the ground.

Thanks for hanging in there with me tonight. This is just what's on my mind.

-b (or b-bop, as "N" would call me)